Bryson Avenue Elementary Home

Excellence, Every Day, for Every Child!

School Distinctions

  • A California Distinguished School
  • Magnet Schools of America National Award of Merit 2020
  • Magnet Schools of America National Award of Merit 2023
  • Magnet Schools of America National Award of Merit 2023


News & Announcements

SES English

School Experience Survey / Encuesta Sobre las Experiencias en la Escuela

Hello Bryson Families and Guardians! We need your help to reach 100% completion rate for the Parent/Guardian School Experience Survey. Students will take a flyer home and we ask that you complete and return the form indicating that you have completed the survey. Please contact the Main Office if you need any assistance. Thank you!

SES Website:

¡Hola, familias y tutores de Bryson! Necesitamos su ayuda para alcanzar el 100 % de tasa de finalización de la encuesta de experiencia escolar para padres y tutores. Los estudiantes se llevarán un folleto a casa y les pedimos que completen y devuelvan el formulario indicando que han completado la encuesta. Comuníquense con la oficina principal si necesitan ayuda. ¡Gracias!
Parent Student Handbook

2024-2025 Parent Student Handbook

The 2024-25 digital Parent/Student Handbook is now available in English/Spanish. Physical copies of the 2024-25 Parent/Student Handbook will be delivered to school sites in the next few weeks and sent home with students.

El Manual para padres y estudiantes 2024-25 ya está disponible en formato digital en inglés y español. En las próximas semanas se enviarán copias físicas del Manual para padres y estudiantes 2024-25 a las escuelas y se enviarán a casa con los estudiantes.
before school -english

Before-School Program for Students

The Woodcraft Rangers Program will now offer "Before-School" care for students starting on Monday, August 12th. Gates will open at 6:30am by the School Cafeteria. Please see attached flyer.
El Programa Woodcraft Rangers ahora ofrecerá cuidado "antes de la escuela" para los estudiantes a partir del lunes 12 de agosto. Las puertas se abrirán a las 6:30am en la cafetería de la escuela. Consulte el folleto adjunto.
safe zone

School Zone Safety

Parents and Guardians, please help us maintain a safe and orderly School Zone at Bryson Elementary School.

Padres y tutores, ayúdenos a mantener una zona escolar segura y ordenada en la escuela primaria Bryson.
After School Program

Woodcraft Rangers After School Program Registration

Woodcraft Rangers staff will be available to help parents/guardians register children for the after school program. Please refer to flyer for dates/times.

El personal de Woodcraft Rangers estará disponible para ayudar a los padres/tutores a inscribir a sus hijos en el programa extraescolar. Consulte el folleto para conocer las fechas y los horarios.

About Us

Welcome to Bryson Avenue Elementary and STEAM Magnet Program. Our faculty and staff are committed to academic excellence. We are a California Distinguished School and Magnet Schools of America - School of Distinction.

Our Mission

At Bryson Avenue Elementary School we provide rigorous, high quality education to all students and promote self-efficacy and mindfulness.